
I guess you could call this "Before"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let me explain

Well for starters, you need to know that punctuation is not my thing. talking and taking pictures is.

is there such a thing as karma? i hope so! i've been blaming karma on a lot of things and attributing it to many instances lately. i went to a local business the other day and was quite frankly treated VERY rudely. i said to the girl behind the counter "you know, i'd just as soon work with someone other than yourself if you are going to act this way." i have been known to speak my mind but this statement was a stretch for me. had i been printing something for my own home, i probably wouldn't have been so assertive, but this particular project was for a client, so i expect the best. Reader's Digest version: two hours later, she and i made fast friends, were laughing and visiting and quoting ourselves from our initial interaction. at the end of the transaction, she printed my receipt and on the receipt was a "YOU'VE BEEN CHOSEN" clause to call in and rate my service with this girl. when she read that to me we both just bust out laughing! "Karma" i said. she and i started off on a bad note, but soon got all the misunderstandings figured out, and to be honest, the next time i do business there, i'll definitely ask for her.

where was i? Jeanese Lefore and i sat down the other day and talked about our vision for this blog. I am going to have all of the services that the salon offers. i am going to try the products, bask in the pleasures, and be very frank about all of my services. Jeanese thought this was a great idea as well, and a good way to see where improvements could be made and to get an honest opinion from a client. I asked her "what will i say if i get something done that i don't like?" her reply was "blog it!"

my mom is a cosmetologist, and i started hanging out in the salon with her right from the start! i'll have to ask her just how old i was when she first started practicing on me. i spent many summer days taking out curlers from the little ladies hair, shampooing my friends hair, bleaching my own, answering the phones, and cleaning the salon (sidenote: thank you to all my friends who, when wanting me to come play with them, would come help me clean so that i COULD play). i loved talking to the ladies and still to this day like to peak in on my lunch hours and sit in the swivel chairs, trying out new products, looking through the magazines, looking in the snack cupboards, etc.

even though i knew how to give a perm, color or haircut before i even started school, i decided to go to beauty school and follow in my mom's footsteps. i graduated in 1993 with a degree in cosmetology. i practiced for a couple years, but i really did not enjoy it. after about 10 years i let my license expire. i still occasionally give my boys a haircut, snip on my own hair, color my own, etc.

i tend to be very frugal when it comes to beauty. that probably stems from having been given free product and service all my life from my mom. you'd think having all that at my finger tips would make me the opposite. i remember being a teenager and telling my friends that they should be using professional hair products rather than store boughten, diluted, knock offs. i guess in the end i am just a simple girl (not a ma'am) and don't really like to take much time with my looks. as an adult, the thought of paying full price for any of it is an atrocity. i know. i was spoiled. i still to this day call up my mom and have her order the big salon size jugs of shampoo and conditioner and get them at cost. i know i need to grow up, i just can't bear the thought of paying retail price.

i digress. that's a little background of mine, where i come from, and how i see the world of Salon/Spa's. kinda pessimistic, and very frugal.

what makes me think anyone besides Jeanese would even care to read my blog about my personal road to beauty? nothing. that's half the reason why i decided to do this. do i really want the world to see my sun spots? know i used Jergens body soap on my face today? that i look at having a facial today as a perfect excuse not to do my hair? (it will just get messed up in that terry cloth band anyhow). no. but this wont be the first time in my life i have made myself look silly and vulnerable, just to make someone else laugh. it occurred to me the other day, that people don't have an expectation of what they want me to look like. it's MY expectations that fail me. this humbling journey will hopefully help not only me, but give true honest feedback to Misbehaven Spa & Salon, and also give some light on some services that maybe a reader has always been curious about.

i hope you follow me on this journey. it's going to be a long one! have you seen their menu????? holy cow!! they have over 50 different services available!

Today is my first appointment. i am going to get a 1 hour facial. i'm ready to go! i'll tell you all about it in the next blog!

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