
I guess you could call this "Before"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

LED Treatment (2nd one) $85ea or $395 for 6 sessions

This week was my 2nd LED treatment at Misbehaven Spa & Salon. I anticipated having messy hair this time, so i wore my hair in a pony tail. i took a photo of my face right before my treatment. you will notice that i am a bit puffy after each treatment, and because of the masque that has paprika in it, i am also a bit rosy red. rest assured, the puffiness and redness goes away after an hour or so.

Today's treatment was with Megan. She started with a cleanser, then massaged the Blueberry Soy Repair Masque into my skin. It is a puree of whole fruit blueberries blended with soy yoghurt. it plumps and soothes with calendula petal oil, shea butter and a combo of vitamins A, C, E, coenzyme Q10 and evening primrose oil. Megan also added a booster that had paprika in it. the masque did sting a little, but like i mentioned in my earlier post, i like the pain. it makes me feel like something is happening, and i am not just doing this all in vain.

Megan mentioned before the treatment, that my skin felt dehydrated. it's true, i had not had any water that day. and on top of all that, i had been gone for the weekend, and when i road trip, i drink a LOT of caffeine. i drink a lot of caffeine even when i am home, but when traveling, i double it. She said that for every cup of coffee i had, i should have 4 glasses of water. hmmm, let me do the math...i should have had anywhere from 16-26 glasses of water. no wonder i was dehydrated. i have been drinking a ton of water ever since. i went to the grocery store and bought a case of water, and have been drinking water often throughout my day. i'm sipping on one now! She also mentioned that there are a lot of toxins in coffee. Since i stopped drinking alcohol almost 18 months ago, my coffee consumption has greatly increased. i know i need to settle down and today i made an effort to drink tea every time i wanted a treat. i ended up with just 1 cup of coffee. i think the worst thing about my coffee consumption is the 3 packets of sugar and cream that i put in each cup.

now that i've just spilled all my unhealthy drink secrets, i think i will try and cut my coffee consumption down. i am not going to commit to how much, but i will let you know how it goes! i'm kind of an "all or nothing" and i am not sure i am ready to cut it out altogether quite yet.

back to my treatment. the LED treatment was 40 minutes and i had a nice time visiting with Megan. i prefer to visit rather than laying there in silence. the time goes by much quicker too! i told her that i was using the masque at least twice a week and keeping my face moist while it is on. i have been applying it and then going in the steam bath at "the spa". she gave me a booster to put in it for this week. i think i'll try it tomorrow.

i have not been happy with my appearance lately, skin, hair, body, face, etc., and have just resorted to spending the next couple of months pampering myself and getting back to normal. yoga pants and pony tails, here i come!! funny how quickly i can fall off the healthy bandwagon, and next thing i know, i feel like a gremlin. enough of that, and ENOUGH complaining about it. any one around me on a regular basis can attest to the fact that i am not happy with "me". i'll let you know how that goes too!

Next week i am having my legs and upper lip waxed. i don't need to wax my lip, but this will let me know what it feels like, and who knows, maybe i will like not even having the baby blonde peach fuzz on my upper lip. Ciara reassured me it would not come back course or black! i'm also having my 3rd LED treatment with a Mini Facial before the treatment.

thanks for reading my blab, i mean blog.

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