
I guess you could call this "Before"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LED Treatment (6th one)$395 for 6 sessions and 3rd Microdermabrasion

i am really noticing the difference in my skin. it has a healthy glow, looks alive, supple, and my fine wrinkles are minimal. i have been doing two different masques each week. i put them on and sit in the steam room. i also use the serum, eye cream (both day and night creams), the moisturizer and the vitamin c powder (that lightens the sun spots). i have not noticed the spots lightening up but the other products have been working very well.
as i have mentioned in previous blogs, the gym has become my "spa". i work out, then spend just about as much time in the Women's Center, steam-bathing, masqueing, and preparing my face for the day.
this was my last LED treatment. I had 6 all together. it was followed by my 3rd Microdermabrasion. i have to say the micro appts are very rewarding because you actually feel the change taking the form of pain, i must add. but it's nice to know that something is happening and you know the saying "no pain no gain", right?
the microdermabrasion is like a mini sandblasting on your face. the machine pumps out mini crystals and then sucks them back into the tube. Megan covered my entire face with it. the last two treatments did not phase me at all. they were rather relaxing. she said that there are several things that can attribute to this heightened sense of feeling. one; being dehydrated. and it was true, i had had not water that day and in fact had drank very little the day before.
two; stress. yep! i had a stressful morning and so was already a little on edge. i was wincing from the pain. i wasn't crying, but i could feel tears occasionally streaming down my face. i kept giggling because i just didn't know what to do with the pain and didn't want to cry out. OUCH! Megan was so great. she understood how i was feeling and was very sympathetic. it was a friendly reminder to drink more water and well as far as the stress goes, to avoid it. yeah right.
after the micro treatment, my face was replenished with a masque and then finished with moisturizer. it felt as though i had a wind burn on my face. that sensitive feeling lasted about 24 hours. i did not have any peeling, but that is because i have had the LED treatments, and weekly masques, so most of the dead skin cells are already off my face.
although the treatment was painful, i am looking forward to my next treatment. they are dramatic treatments, but with dramatic results.
just one more reason to reduce the stress in your life, and drink more water!

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