
I guess you could call this "Before"

Friday, February 10, 2012

1 year follow-up appointment

my skin 1 year later.

It's hard for me to believe it's been 1 year since i first started this blog. it was a turning point in my life...i started to pay attention to my skin, the amount of water i was drinking and how things that i eat or drink affect my skin, and the way i feel.

i thought it would be a good idea to go meet with Megan at Misbehaven and have her take a close up look at my skin. i wanted to see if my skin has digressed, if the little changes i have made, taking most of the advice she gave me, modifying others to my budget, but overall making lots of changes to my beauty regimen, had made a difference.

it was unfortunate that the day i met with her, i had not had any water to drink yet that day. i had lots of water the days before that, but that particular day i had been out and about and just hadn't had a chance to hydrate. (although i'd found time for lots of coffee and even a soda):

Megan put on her microscope looking goggles and took a close look at my skin. she did notice it was dehydrated, a little red, and my forehead was a little oilier than usual. all of which can happen when skin is dehydrated. she said the lines around my mouth were a little more pronounced. shoot. we came to the conclusion that a big part of the wrinkles around my mouth are because i sleep on either my stomach or my side, squishing my face. sounds lovely, huh?

i don't see myself changing my sleeping pattern, so i guess i will live with the wrinkles around my mouth. but i do recognize that i need to drink more water.

i told megan that i had been using Eminence Moisturizer daily and also using the exfolliant for my face daily. i have incorporated a vitamin E oil to my face at night. i was curious if that was clogging my pores, but she said it was not.

all in all, my daily beauty routine seems to be working just fine. i just need to keep drinking lots and lots of water.

which consists of:
cleansing in the morning,
moisturizing with Eminence Rose whip moisturizer right after i wash my face
a little bare minerals natural colored eye shadow
eminence bronzing blush.


  1. And now you are a celebrity. I saw you out and about with a young lady that had to be your daughter a couple of weeks ago and recognized you from this blog. I was too shy to introduce myself. I have enjoyed learning about all of the services at Misbehaven!

  2. oh i wish you would have said hello. i'm kind of an introvert myself (i know so many would say otherwise) but it would have been great to meet you. please, if you see me again, say hello!

  3. Maybe the young lady was Alexa and the family resemblance was showing! :)
