
I guess you could call this "Before"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Enzyme Peel (series of 6) #3

i just had my 3rd Enzyme peel. i had to reschedule the last two appointments because i spent a weekend in the sun, the weekend before, and ended up with peeling skin and a huge cold sore on my lip. Megan said that she could not give me an enzyme treatment, because it could spread the cold sore germ around my face. no thanks!
she started today with a cleanser, then the peel, and followed with a masque, eye cream, a serum and moisturizer.
it was a quick appointment, but very relaxing. i could have fallen asleep during the treatment today. my skin looks lovely.
i talked to Megan about my sunburn issue. the day i got the burn, i had applied a 30 spf moisturizer, and then twice during the day spritzed myself with 70 spf. Megan said that i should be reapplying spf every 2 hours, so clearly i did not re-apply often enough.


  1. Hey Kimberly, Finally what you had done to get rid of cold sores.
    Waiting for your reply

    Veronica Pitman

  2. I just let it ride the course. The cold sore came after a sunburn. I've been told to start taking L-Lysine daily to prevent future ones.
